Innovative textbooks


Leading organization: University of Pécs

Participating organizations: Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, National Institute of Research – Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique Bucharest, University of Belgrade

End date: 31.12.2022

Description: A set of innovative textbooks for the respective courses as part of the dual education curriculum – serving as a support to avoid the poor flow of information between students and businesses.

  • Module 1 – Electric drives

1.  Measurement technology of electric drives

  • Module 2 – Life cycle assessment

2. Introduction to life-cycle assessment

3. Life-cycle assessment in case of a product

4. Life-cycle assessment in case of a production plant

  • Module 3 – Machine component design and mechanics

5. Mechanical Design Process

6. Vector Mechanics

7. Design and calculation of machine components

  • Module 4 – Machine Industrial Technology

8. Machining technologies

9. Design of machinery fixtures

10. Welding and heat treatment

  • Module 5 – Maintenance management

11. Maintenance and Organisation

12. Sustainable engineering

13. Industrial repair technologies

  • Module 6 – Environmental challenges and waste in the automotive industry

14. Introduction– Wastes in the automotive industry

15. Waste reduction management

16. Waste recovery

  • Module 7 – Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents (BREFs) – BAT-BREFs

17. Best Available Techniques (BAT)

18. Best Available Techniques (BREFs)

19. Automotive case studies

  • Module 8 – Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

20. Introduction to electric vehicles and electrification of existing vehicles with IC engines

21. Global Value Chain (GVC) in the automotive industry

22. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

23. Introduction to autonomous vehicles

  • Module 9 – Ecodesign and Ecoinnovations

24. Fundamentals of Ecodesign

25. Ecodesign strategies and LCA

26. Ecoinnovation of product

27. Ecoinnovation project management

  • Module 10_EoL_2_WEE Recycling processes

28. Introduction to End-of-life Vehicle Disposal

29. WEE Recycling processes – WEEE disassembly and recycling industry

30. International legislation