Lesson 9 -Types of European Funding Instruments

Funding for eco-innovation, which refers to the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and practices, can come from a variety of sources. It’s important to thoroughly research and tailor the funding approach to the specific eco-innovation project, as different sources of funding have varying requirements, application processes, and expectations.
The EU funding instruments are classically divided into two opposing groups. The “European Structural and Investment Funds” (ESIF) (also called indirect managed funds) and the “Action Programs” (AP) (also called direct managed funds).
The chances of attracting funding for eco-innovation initiatives can enhance when the scheme is defined correctly. The following questions should be considered when defining a scheme:
— Why is the funding needed and what is the rationale for the intervention? What change needs to be bought about and what activity improved and supported (research, teaching, communication, etc.)?
— What is being funded? People and skills (salaries, project-based researchers or training for new skills); infrastructure and equipment; and/or networking and connections (international mobility, events, conferences, communication, meeting venues)?
— How it is being funded? The approach might vary between competitive calls or performance-based funding.
— Who should be involved? Are the beneficiaries likely to be individuals researchers, research groups or institutions and will they be directly funded or benefit (in)directly from the intervention?

Information about EU funding (for beginners):


 The types of EU aid:


A guide to all types of EU funding:


Inspired by: Woolford, J and Boden, M (2021) Higher Education for Smart Specialisation: A Handbook (Version 2.0) EUR 30733 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-38644-5, doi:10.2760/118876, JRC125293.

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